Welcome to Hungary!
photo installation, free-standing poster
How should we create a modern, true-to-life picture of ourselves, of Hungary, comprehensible to everybody? The constant repetition of this question led to my installation, which tries to present a different alternative to the official national image. Using the model of the large, free-standing poster we are all familiar with from the film industry, I condensed our environment to quickly consumable information. By placing the usual national-image emblems into a new context, complementing them with other images, I illustrate personal and public Hungarian spheres (I was careful not have only Matthias Church or a smiling catfish whisker in focus). With the subject of national image any medium can be made into propaganda; it works with rich motifs, therefore, my installation is only one possible drop in the Hungarian ocean of possibilities. Its goal is to draw attention to the fact that the officially defined, collective picture of ourselves is malleable.